How to Celebrate Friday the 13th

If you have paraskevidekatriaphobia, steer clear of this blog post – that is, if you have the fear of Friday the 13th.

This post was originally published in November 2015 and was updated in October 2023. It contains affiliate links. See my disclaimer for more. All October posts are part of the Countdown to Halloween!

Superstitions have always been fascinating to me. I have my own: for the longest time as a child, I never stepped on cracks in the sidewalk. When it comes to football, I believe I have to wear the right combination of T-shirt and jewelry to help my team win and have to turn my drink’s label to the TV when a field goal is kicked. And I 100% believe that if I think about something (good or bad) long enough…it will eventually come to fruition. (Like saying out loud that I haven’t received a jury summons in X amount of time.)

But I’ve never really believed in the lore of Friday the 13th being an unlucky day. Go figure. I’ve let black cats cross my pass, walked under ladders, broken at least one mirror in my lifetime, and deliberately opened umbrellas indoors.

I wouldn’t call myself the luckiest girl alive, but I’m also nowhere near cursed. Instead, I look at Friday the 13th as a reason to enjoy the Halloween feels for a day.


Here are 13 ways to celebrate Friday the 13th:


1. Plan a party – for 13!

Invite 13 of your friends to come over for a night of creepy games (Ouija, anyone?), horror movies, and creepy goodies. You could always make it into a favorite horror film costume party.


2. Watch a horror movie

Alone, in the dark. The Friday the 13th series is always a good choice, but any creepy movie would do. (If you need some picks, Sarah from The Spooky Vegan has TONS on her blog!)


3. Test out a superstition or urban legend

Walk under a ladder or say “Bloody Mary” three times in the mirror, then see what happens.


4. Visited a haunted place near you

Head over to Google, pop in “most haunted place in _____” with your city or state in the blank, and see what comes up. (Just make sure you’re not visiting illegally, okay?)


5. Give away a baker’s dozen of goodies

Bake up some cupcakes, a batch of cookies, or some other treat and give them away to family, friends, or neighbors in batches of 13.  There are lots of goodies over on my Halloween Recipes board on Pinterest.


6. Score an ugly slasher sweater

I’m sure in another year I’ll be burnt out on the ugly sweater trend spreading beyond the winter holidays…but for now, I’m endlessly amused that there seems to be an ugly sweater for everything. The ones over on are perfect for all you horror-loving ghouls!


7. Test your luck

Outright defy the lore of Friday the 13th and test your luck! Play the lottery, grab a few friends to go gambling (if it’s legal in your state), or play a round of poker – for money – with some friends.


8. Book a hotel room on the 13th floor

Most hotels, buildings, and even planes skip the number 13. But even if there’s a jump from 12 to 14…we all know 14 is technically 13, right? Book a room on the 13th floor of a hotel and spend the night. (The Skirvin in downtown Oklahoma City would be my pick, thanks to my friend Sam’s love of it!)


9. Plan a haunted vacation

Take number 8 one step further and research some of the most haunted attractions in your country, then book a trip. (Or make plans to book it.) You’d be amazed at how many haunted vacation packages are out there, and what a fun way to keep the Halloween spirit alive throughout the year!


10. Binge-watch a creepy TV show

American Horror Story is always a great place to start. When I originally posted this, I was enjoying Scream Queens, and Supernatural has been a long-time favorite of mine – especially the early seasons. Wednesday and Chilling Adventures of Sabrina are two more faves!


11. Subscribe to a scary podcast

When I originally shared this post, Lore was having its moment. And though it’s now defunct, I also still love The Halloween Haunt for tons of creepy history, stories.


12. Enjoy a creepy dinner & cocktail

While I don’t enjoy being grossed out by Halloween foods, you might. I’ve got tons of food ideas and cocktail picks saved for you on Pinterest. Happy browsing!


13. Read a classic scary story

Whether it’s a classic like Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Tell Tale Heart” or, one of my childhood favorites, “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” series, there’s nothing quite as terrifying to me as an extra creepy book.



How do you celebrate Friday the 13th?

I’d love to hear your best suggestions too! Share them below in the comments.


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